Hi to All Members and Volunteers - The Spring meeting of themembership of the Maryland Chapter of the American Chestnut Foundation will beheld on April 26, 2025. We will meet at Gaithersburg Library, Saturday, April 26, from 10:00 am - 2 pm.
Our featured speaker will be Donald Edward Davis, scholar,former Fulbright fellow, and author of The American Chestnut, An EnvironmentalHistory. The American Chestnut tells the story of the American chestnut fromNative American prehistory through present day efforts to restore the Americanchestnut to its former place in the eastern deciduous forest. You do not want to miss this presentation anddiscussion.
We will review the progress that has been made during thisproductive year and discuss plans for the coming year from Ron Kuipers, ourMaster Orchard Steward. We have alimited number of fine seedlings to be given to our members. Lunch will be served. You are welcome to bring guests. You will have time to speak directly to ourBoard members. Please mark this date on your calendars.